Frequently Asked Questions

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A trademark is used to identify your goods and services from others. If your trademark is confusingly similar to an existing mark or pending registration application, you may not be authorized to register it. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
It is crucial to apply for trademark registration for your logo, business name, slogan, and design separately to protect your intellectual property. You will have to file separate applications to protect your digital assets.
Registering your trademark is a long process where your application goes through several procedures and stages. Therefore, it would take approximately 12 to 15 months to register your trademark.
A trademark application is inspected thoroughly by the registry officers to find any infringements or similar registered marks. If your trademark violates any regulations, your application may get rejected.
Once your trademark is filed, it will be protected as it is. If you decide to change your logo or wordmark, you will be required to file one more application and start the process from scratch.
Absolutely, the Amazon Brand Registry Account allows you to add multiple brands to the same account. To learn more, connect with your dedicated account manager.
Once a copyright registration takes place, the rule of thumb says that the copyright is valid till the author’s lifetime, plus an additional seventy years after.
In general, the copyrights application at the USPTO takes anywhere from three to six months to get accepted. Connect with your dedicated account manager to stay up to date with the latest on your application status.
For small-scale businesses, it highly recommended that you file business formation registry within your own state.
No. You need to file one single application for your music album. At the time of application filing, all songs within the album will be claimed under the copyright application.
A trademark is used to identify your goods and services from others. If your trademark is confusingly similar to an existing mark or pending registration application, you may not be authorized to register it. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
It is crucial to apply for trademark registration for your logo, business name, slogan, and design separately to protect your intellectual property. You will have to file separate applications to protect your digital assets.
Registering your trademark is a long process where your application goes through several procedures and stages. Therefore, it would take approximately 12 to 15 months to register your trademark.
A trademark application is inspected thoroughly by the registry officers to find any infringements or similar registered marks. If your trademark violates any regulations, your application may get rejected.
Once your trademark is filed, it will be protected as it is. If you decide to change your logo or wordmark, you will be required to file one more application and start the process from scratch.
A trademark is used to identify your goods and services from others. If your trademark is confusingly similar to an existing mark or pending registration application, you may not be authorized to register it. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
It is crucial to apply for trademark registration for your logo, business name, slogan, and design separately to protect your intellectual property. You will have to file separate applications to protect your digital assets.
Registering your trademark is a long process where your application goes through several procedures and stages. Therefore, it would take approximately 12 to 15 months to register your trademark.
A trademark application is inspected thoroughly by the registry officers to find any infringements or similar registered marks. If your trademark violates any regulations, your application may get rejected.
Once your trademark is filed, it will be protected as it is. If you decide to change your logo or wordmark, you will be required to file one more application and start the process from scratch.
A trademark is used to identify your goods and services from others. If your trademark is confusingly similar to an existing mark or pending registration application, you may not be authorized to register it. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
It is crucial to apply for trademark registration for your logo, business name, slogan, and design separately to protect your intellectual property. You will have to file separate applications to protect your digital assets.
Registering your trademark is a long process where your application goes through several procedures and stages. Therefore, it would take approximately 12 to 15 months to register your trademark.
A trademark application is inspected thoroughly by the registry officers to find any infringements or similar registered marks. If your trademark violates any regulations, your application may get rejected.
Once your trademark is filed, it will be protected as it is. If you decide to change your logo or wordmark, you will be required to file one more application and start the process from scratch.
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Trademark Registration

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